The driver changed down from third to second 驾驶员将车速从第三档调低到第二档。
The car changed down just before the turning 汽车在将到转弯处时放慢了速度。
He came back and laid the change down with the food 他回来了,把找头和食物一起放下。
This presets the lowest gear for each corner , allowing the driver to change down through the gearbox quickly , without fear of selecting too low a gear 这个按钮用来预先设定每一个弯道的最低档位,让车手可以迅速的降档而不用担心会多退档位。
I would read it slowly , analyze it , read it again perhaps changing down into an even slower gear and then sit for 20 minutes , thinking about it before moving on 我总是慢条斯理地读,然后分析揣摩,然后又重新阅读? ?甚至阅读的速度变得比平时更慢? ?然后静坐默思20分钟,接着才又往下阅读。
The piezoelectric quartz crystal impedance analysis is a new method to study the quartz crystal resonance . it has been well established as a powerful tool capable of responding in situ to an electrode mass change down to the nanogram level and the change of the solution viscosity and density , and it is also expected to find wider applications in chemistry , life science , surface science , food science , environment monitoring and so on 压电石英晶体阻抗分析法是研究石英晶体谐振的新技术,可获取多维压电信息,从而现场动态监测电极表面低至纳克级的质量及溶液粘密度等响应,可广泛应用于化学、生命科学、表面科学、食品科学、环境检测等领域。